Thursday, November 10, 2011

Yay Research!!

Okay gang, here goes group posting. I just spent some quality time with Google and Youtube. It was quite fun. And involved getting distracted watching David Tennant videos...(He was in The Royal Shakespeare Company before Doctor Who, so there was some sort of connection!) The only thing I could find that was kinda like what we are doing is from a group called the Reduced Shakespeare Company. They have one show where they did the Complete Works of Shakespeare Abridged, and it's genius. The section with the comedies is my favorite:

Way more entertaining after having actually studied some of the comedies and getting their jokes.
The thing about this company is that they turn everything into humor. I'm not saying out show should be one big joke joke, because it definitely shouldn't be, but the every once in a while break from character to show that you're not taking yourself too seriously could be fun..
I also wanted to point out how they did their costuming. We haven't talked much about costume, but I love how they mix authentic costume with modern clothing. You can see it a lot better in this video. I like how they have a sense of continuity with all their crazy costuming, because they're all wearing high-top converse. I'm not saying we need to all go out and buy matching shoes. Something like the color-coded shirts we were talking about in class could work, too. I just think we need to have some sort of unity across the costuming. Just a thought. Let me know what you think.

1 comment:

  1. love this. I'm glad we all got to watch it together too. Obviously our show will be very different, but i've got some good ideas about the ending! can't wait to talk about it on tues.
